• 2022-06-06
    Scanning is a technique used in reading to gather specific information in a text by going through it rapidly. The key to scanning is to locate useful or detailed information quickly.
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      The teacher should tell the students to use the reading strategy of ______ to read to locate specific information in the text. A: predicting B: scanning C: skimming D: setting the scene

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      Which is not the tips of scanning to locate useful or detailed information quickly? ‏‏​‏ A: Spot dates, statistics and other numbers. B: Look for the author’s use of letters, or signal words. C: Watch for definitions or highlighted words. D: Ask the teacher for help.

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      Which is not the tips of scanning to locate useful or detailed information quickly? A: Spot dates, statistics and other numbers. B: Look for the author’s use of letters, or signal words. C: Watch for definitions or highlighted words. D: Ask the teacher for help.

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      To locate useful or detailed information quickly, we should learn to read several lines at a time. ( )

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      Scanning is to read quickly to get the gist (the main idea). While, skimming is to read to locate specific information.