• 2022-06-06
    What statements about the minutes of a meeting are true?
    A: It’s important to understand the purpose of minutes.
    B: it’s important to take down all the key items discussed during the meeting.
    C: The minutesare meant to be a written record of what took place there.
    D: The minutescan be helpful for the attendees to remember what was said.
  • A,B,C,D


    • 0

      Taking minutes during a business meeting is to _______________. A: record the important agreements, assignments and decisions B: monitor the progress of the meeting C: record the actual time and duration taken by each item in the agenda D: take effective methods to guarantee the effectiveness of the meeting

    • 1

      A<br/>meeting agenda is very important to ____. A: prepare<br/>meeting attendees B: keep<br/>a meeting on track C: help<br/>prepare minutes of the meeting D: all<br/>of the above

    • 2

      What are the language features of meeting minutes? ( ) A: Use of adjectives or adverbs to express recorder’s opinions B: Use of past tense to record something that took place already in the meeting C: Use of reported speech instead of direct speech D: Use of more concrete reporting verbs

    • 3

      What information should be covered in business meeting minutes? A: name or purpose of the meeting B: meeting location C: subjects covered and notes on discussion D: name and title of the minutes keeper

    • 4

      What are the Meeting Minutes used for?