• 2022-06-06
    A: Density
    B: Volume
    C: Pressure
    D: Concentration
  • C


    • 0

      The pulmonary volume that buffered the change of alveolar partial pressure was A: Inspiratory reserve volume B: expiratory reserve volume C: deep inspiratory volume D: residual volume E: functional residual volume

    • 1


    • 2

      At a certain temperature and pressure, the ratio of natural gas volume to ideal gas volume is defined as (). A: discrepancy index B: Compressibility factor C: Volume factor D: Elastic coefficient

    • 3

      The point pressure of static fluid has nothing to do with ( ) A: Position B: Direction C: Density of fluid

    • 4

      自由能主要由哪些因素决定? A: temperature B: pressure C: composition D: volume