• 2022-06-06
    reactions is radical reaction ()
    A: Ethylene reacted with Cl2
    B: Carbon
    tetrachloride is prepared from methane with light
    C: Isoprene
    synthesizes natural rubber
    D: Ethanol
    reacted with HCl
  • B


    • 0

      architecture <br/>( ) A: beyond what has<br/>already been said; in addition; also. B: the act or<br/>process of designing buildings, or the profession of an architect. C: to have a high<br/>opinion of; respect. D: the point at<br/>which rays of light or heat come together or from which they seem to<br/>move away.

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      Which of the following is not the difference between DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase?() A: The fidelity of<br/>the two enzymes is different when the template chain is copied B: The number of<br/>reaction starting sites is different C: Different reading<br/>directions of template chain D: Size of reaction<br/>products E: The reaction<br/>process is bidirectional

    • 2

      When<br/>some fruits emit (),<br/>it causes other fruits to ripen. A: ammonia<br/>gas B: oxygen<br/>gas C: ethylene<br/>gas D: nitrogen<br/>gas

    • 3

      In<br/>the acid-base titration of aspirin, neutral ethanol is required to be<br/>used as the solvent. What is the meaning of calling "neutral"?() A: neutral<br/>to the indicator used B: pH=7 C: ethanol<br/>to remove acidic impurities D: It<br/>is neutral to methyl orange E: relative<br/>to the tested substance

    • 4

      Which<br/>of the following is typically not a part of the annual report published by a company for<br/>investors and other decision makers?() A: Financial<br/>statements B: Notes<br/>to the financial statements C: Budgets<br/>prepared by management D: The<br/>audit report