• 2022-06-06
    . Accoring to current surveys, young adults in China marry at an average age of 26. Presumably, at this point they have achieved the () that Erikson described as the major developmental task of early adulthood.
    A: commitment
    B: intimacy
    C: autonomy
    D: self-identity
  • B


    • 0

      ______,they have boldly undertaken the construction of a 26 storied building. A: As they are young B: Young as they are C: They are as young D: As young as they are

    • 1

      People start dating at a very young age in America, ______ young people in China tend to focus more on schoolwork.

    • 2

      When they are young, people have little interest in exploring cultural issues, because they have achieved their cultural identity.

    • 3

      Most emerging adults feel somewhere in between a_______ (青春期) and adulthood.

    • 4

      According to psychologist Michael Meaney, caresses in early youth may enable a person to have in adulthood healthier brain cells and clearer memories.