• 2022-06-06
    You are backing on twin engines with rudders amidships,when your port engine stalls.To continue backing on course,you should().
    A: Apply left rudder
    B: Apply right rudder
    C: Increase engine speed
    D: Keep your rudder amidshi
  • B


    • 0

      When you intend to apply for a job, you may need a reference from your previous employer, or perhaps from your college professor.

    • 1

      When preparing your résumé, the more you know about the position for which you apply, the better.

    • 2

      Present your _______________when you apply for a position. A: credits B: credentials C: credent D: credibility

    • 3

      “I’m not ’familiar with Python, but I’ve enrolled in a course on ‘Coursera’to learn.” is the answer to the question: ________________________________________. A: Why should we hire you? B: What is your weakness? C: Why did you leave your previous job? D: How can you apply your previous experience to this job?

    • 4

      If a crankcase explosion occurs in a diesel engine, you should stop the engine and() A: immediately open all crankcase relief ports B: increase crankcase exhauster speed to draw cool air into the engine C: allow the engine to cool naturally D: increase crank case scavenge air to remove unburned gase