• 2022-06-06
    If the red object is illuminated with green light it appears
    A: black
    B: red
    C: green
    D: white
  • A


    • 0

      When the white light hits ____object, the light will not be absorbed, but it will be bounced out. A: red B: blue C: black D: white

    • 1

      对于enum cc {red, green, blue, black, yellow, white};Console.WriteLine(cc.red+3);则输出结果是_______ A: blue B: black C: green D: yellow

    • 2

      Indigo prints are made of homespun fabrics with blue designs on a ___________ background or white designs on a ___________ background. A: yellow; green B: white; blue C: red; black D: red; brown

    • 3

      (Red and green) light, (if mixing) (in) the right proportion, (will give) us yellow. A: Red and green B: if mixing C: in D: will give

    • 4

      What color should be avoided when giving gifts in India? A: red B: green C: white D: black