15. vi_________v. break or be contrary to (a rule, principle, treaty)
- Our boss enjoys swimming, but ________ he avoids a crowded pool. A: on the contrary B: on the face of it C: as a rule D: as a result
- The Golden Rule resolution principle considers what would happen if everyone made the same decision as you. A: 正确 B: 错误
- 凡尔赛合约 A: Treaty of Versaille B: Treaty of Paris C: North Atlantic Treaty Organization D: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
- The _____ was the treaty signed at Versailles, near Paris in France in 1919.. A: Paris Treaty B: Versaills Treaty C: Teheran Treaty D: PotsdamTreaty
- 17da6ee231833ac.png方框处是什么和弦?( ) A: iii6 B: V6/vi C: V/vi D: vii7