• 2022-06-06
    Tip 1: set your clock or watch ahead 10 to ______ minutes.
  • 15


    • 0

      When you travel abroad, set your watch immediately to agree with local time at your _________. A: determination B: donation C: destination D: distribution

    • 1

      The 8: 43 a.m. train is 25 minutes late. My watch is 8 minutes fast. What timedoes my watch say when it arrives? A: 8:20 B: 9:16 C: 9:45 D: 10:25

    • 2

      Your job interview is scheduled for 9 a.m. What time should you arrive? A: 1 minute before the interview begins. B: 30 minutes before the interview begins. C: 45 minutes before the interview begins. D: 10 minutes before the interview begins.

    • 3

      10.What does the ring gesture (you form an "O" by holding the tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumb) mean in Britain?

    • 4

      Watch part 1 and fill in the blanks on Page 111 of your textbook.