• 2022-06-06
    A: fully blooded
    B: full - blooded
    C: blooded fully
    D: full - blood
  • D


    • 0

      How did the girl feel when she first arrived at the hostel in London? A: exhausted, hungry, but eager to meet new people and visiting new places B: excited, full of energy, full of expectations C: nervous, slightly jet lagged, but ready for her London adventure to begin D: sad, homesick, not fully prepared for the challenges awaiting her

    • 1

      ‏在生产者消费者问题中,消费者执行Wait(full)后阻塞的原因是( )。​ A: full>1 B: full<1 C: full=1 D: full=0

    • 2

      They run around full of garbage, full of anger and full of __________.(disappoint)

    • 3

      They run around full of _______(垃圾), full of anger and full of disappointment.

    • 4

      The train _______people. A: was full of B: was filled of C: was full with D: fill with