• 2022-06-06
    Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, the most fundamental difference
    is that ( )
    A: Different age of onset
    B: Differences in secretory function of islet B cells
    C: The severity of the disease is different
    D: Different treatment methods
  • B


    • 0

      A goat is ______ from a sheep. What's ______ between them A: difference, different B: different, the difference C: the difference, different

    • 1

      Ketonemia and ketonuria is commonly seen in complicated cases of A: Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) B: Type 1 DM C: Type 2 DM D: Diabetes insipidus

    • 2

      What is the main difference between probability density function (PDF) and histogram? A: The calculation methods for histogram and PDF are different B: The values on histogram curve are larger than the values on PDF curve C: The shapes of histogram curve and PDF curve are different D: The integration of the PDF curve equals 1, the step of ordinate axis in the histogram is 1

    • 3

      The patients with type 1 diabetes need ( ).

    • 4

      I think American English is a little ________ British English. A: different from B: difference from C: difference in D: different with