• 2022-06-06
    David was so hungry that he ate three___(piece) of ____(bread).
  • pieces;bread


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      He often has____for supper. A: two breads B: two piece of bread C: two pieces of bread D: two piece of breads

    • 1

      He often has ____for breakfast. A: two piece of breads B: two pieces of breads C: two pieces of bread D: two piece of bread

    • 2

      ___ he said he wasn't hungry , he ate a big lunch. A: Even B: Unless C: Until D: Although

    • 3

      () he said he wasn’t hungry, he ate a big breakfast. A: Although B: Unless C: Despite D: Even

    • 4

      根据绘本“The Very Hungry Caterpillar" 完成下面练习。 On Monday, he ate through ________ , but he was still hungry.