I was afraid that my parents would be extremely ( ).我担心我的父母会非常失望。
- I call my parents every week ____________________(这样他们就不会为我担心).
- My parents had no idea that I didn't go to university. A: 我父母不知道我并未去上大学。 B: 我父母对我不去上大学毫无办法。 C: 我父母对我去不去上大学拿不定主意。 D: 我父母没有办法让我不去上大学。
- 我仍然记得十年前我姐姐结婚时我父母那满怀喜悦的脸。I still remember the faces of my parents when my elder sister got married 10 years ago.
- 千万别把我的伤势告诉父母,我会很感激你的。 A: Don’t tell my parents my injuries, I’ll be grateful to you. B: Never tell my parents about my injuries and I’ll be very grateful to you. C: Mustn’t tell my parents about my injuries and I’ll be very grateful. D: Shouldn’t tell my parents about my injuries and I’ll be very grateful.
- I knew my parents would _________(approve), but I went anyway.