• 2022-06-06
    His father is a highly (respect) professor.
  • respected


    • 0

      Actually, the ______ associate professor was merely an assistant professor. A: enormous B: so-called C: obvious D: religious

    • 1

      Listening 1 "Professor’s Office" {$mediaurl} Why does the man say this: A: He is giving something to the professor. B: He is trying to justify his position. C: He is apologizing because he does not understand. D: He is signaling that he will explain his problem.

    • 2

      Conversation 7~11:Listen to part of a conversation between a studentand a professor. According to the professor, what happens when a student misses three classes A: The student receives a warning from the teacher B: The professor calls a meeting with the student C: The student will be penalized on his final grade D: The student will have to make up the missed work

    • 3

      Professor Li _______ his success to his mother.

    • 4

      It was not until ( ) that ( ) to prepare his lessons. A: did his father come in; the boy began B: his father came in; the boy began C: did his father come in; did the boy begin D: his father came in; did the boy begin