• 2022-06-06
    They have put some ____ flowers on the table as a decoration.
    A: artificial
    B: unnatural
    C: false
    D: unreal
  • A


    • 0

      Organic food is a kind of food produced without _________ chemicals or pesticides. A: hand-made B: fake C: artificial D: unreal

    • 1

      We have to take some ______ to put it right. A: decisions B: advantages C: sides D: measures

    • 2

      Trees are in __________ , and some flowers have already burst in full __________ . A: buds; blossom B: buds; blossoms C: bud; blossom D: bud; blossoms

    • 3

      If you have a sore throat, you should_____. A: see a dentist B: put some ointment on it C: put it under cold water D: see a doctor

    • 4

      We may have some ______ long before we put them on paper.