• 2022-06-06
    At this time tomorrow, they _____ the mountain.
    A: would be climbing
    B: will be climbing
    C: will climb
    D: would climb
  • B


    • 0

      ____ not ____ that tree. A: Is, climbing B: Do, climb C: Are, climbing

    • 1

      He claimed ______ that mountain alone. A: climbing B: to have climbed C: to climb D: climbed

    • 2

      Look! The monkeys _________ the tree.() A: climb B: are climbing C: is climbing D: were climbing

    • 3

      --How about climbing the mountain tomorrow morning? A: Although I like it B: I’d love to C: I’d like D: I’d love climb

    • 4

      Would you like ____(climb) the mountain together with me this weekend?