• 2022-06-06
    Joseph Conrad made good use of the rhetorical figure of ( ) in the sentence “Enormous volumes of smoke, whitish, yellowish, thick, greasy, misty, choking, ascended as high as the trucks.”
  • homeoteleuton


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      One of the characteristics that have made Mark Twain a major literary figure in the 19th century America is his use of _______.

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      In this sentence “And where there are agents, can counteragents be far behind?” the rhetorical question is used to emphasize the inevitability of negative influence of high technology. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      What are the features of Chinese letters?( ) A: Limited Use of Rhetorical Devices B: Free Combination of Sentence Patterns C: Vivid Vocabulary D: A Rich Tone

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      Which figure of speech is adopted in the sentence "A good apple rotten at heart."( ). A: oxymoron B: pun C: personification D: paradox

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      They have made _______ a rule _________ in the room. A: this; not to smoke B: it; smoking C: it; to not smoke D: it; not to smoke