• 2022-06-06
    To monitor their children’s online behavior, parents should NOT
    A: [A] keep updated with current internet applications.
    B: [B] split the bill with their children for going online.
    C: [C] get the password of their child’s online account.
    D: [D] ask their kids to watch the language on their sites.
  • B


    • 0

      如今,中国 95% 的互联网用户通过移动设备(device)上网。 A: Today 95%’s Internet users go online through mobile devices in China. B: Today 95% of China’s Internet users go online via mobile devices. C: Today 95%’s Internet users go to online through mobile devices in China. D: Today 95% of China’s Internet users online in mobile devices.

    • 1

      June 1 is __( )__ Day. A: children's B: Child's C: Children D: Children's

    • 2

      Which one is the right cyber world etiquette? A: Keep different behavior online and offline B: Always automated responses C: Debate with others impolitely D: Use your Internet language as you wish

    • 3

      如今,中国 95% 的互联网用户通过移动设备上网。 A: Nowadays,China 95% of internet users online through mobile devices. B: Today, 95% of China's Internet users online via mobile devices. C: Today, 95% of China's Internet users go online via mobile devices. D: Nowadays,95% of Chinainternet users go online through mobile phones.

    • 4

      Tom Daley's story reminds us of _______. A: online communication's dark side B: online communication's convenience