Password schemes provide so-called weak authentication. some systems impose “password rules” to discourage or prevent users from using “weak” passwords. Give brief description of typical password rules. (5 p)
- 【判断题】使用set authentication password cipher password命令可以配置密文密码
- ()设置进入特权模式密码。 A: line password B: enable password C: configure password D: password
- 在表单中,获取password密码验证的写法正确的是 A: $("[name='password']").val() B: $("[name='password']").name() C: $("[name='password']").text() D: $("[name='password']").html()
- 【多选题】下面语句可以实现查询user表中“zhangsan”的user,password,logins信息的是 A. select logins,user,password from user where name like ’%zhangsan%’; B. select user,password,logins, from user where name like ’zhangsan’; C. select password,logins,user from user where name=’zhangsan’ limit 1; D. select user,password,logins from user where name=’zhangsan’;
- Users must never give their password to ______over the computer network, no matter how official the request appears. A: everyone B: anyone C: other D: nobody