• 2022-06-06
    The patents has dry mouth and the desire for rinsing mouth but not swallowing.This can be seen in___.()
    A: dampness-heat syndrome
    B: blood stasis
    C: internal fluid retention
    D: interior cold syndrome
  • B


    • 0

      The guiding principle among the eight-principle syndrome differentiation is ( )。 A: Exterior or interior B: Cold or heat C: Excess or deficiency D: Yin or Yang

    • 1

      99.The guiding principle among the eight-principle syndrome differentiation is ( ) A: Exterior or interior B: Cold or heat C: Excess or deficiency D: Yin or Yang

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      Redness of the whole face can be seen in ( ) A: Excessive heat B: Deficient heat C: Blood stasis D: Qi deficiency

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      A patient: Palpitation, amnesia, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep,<br/>accompanied by a feverish sensation in palms, soles and the heart<br/>region, night sweats, dryness of the mouth, a red tongue with a<br/>little saliva and a thready, rapid pulse.Please Differentiate<br/>syndrome? A: Lung-qi<br/>deficiency syndrome B: Deficiency of Heart-yin syndrome C: Deficiency<br/>of Heart-blood syndrome D: Deficiency of Heart-yang syndrome E: Heat<br/>syndrome

    • 4

      A surging pulse indicates ____. A: internal retention of phlegm-fluid B: exuberance of internal heat C: deficiency of qi and blood D: food retention in the stomach