• 2022-06-06
    what is the purpose of the brake hoses in the brake system?( )
    A: they add friction
    B: they add flexibility
    C: they add air flow
    D: they add brake force
  • D


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      What is the function of the feed valve A: Allows for easy pressure changes. B: Ensures that air pressure in the system is consistent. C: Prevent air loss from the brake pipes. D: Controls brake application.

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      What is other name for a brake rotor?( ). A: Brake piston B: Brake disc C: Brake caliper D: Brake cylinder

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      Between the brake pedal and the master cylinder is the ( ) which increases the brake force to make the car slow down or stop with less effort. A: brake booster B: brake caliper C: brake drum D: wheel cylinder

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      Typical braking system has the following basic parts: brake pedal, brake booster, master cylinder, brake lines and brake fluidas shown in Fig.5-8.

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      Each vehicle must have two independent brake systems for safety. The main brake system is service brake system. The secondary is parking brake system.