- Since Tom accidentally __________ a virus into his computer, he cannot open the file now. A: uploaded B: downloaded C: loaded up D: loaded down
- PHP中,可以用来接收上传的文件的函数是()。 A: $_FILES B: copys C: is_uploadfile D: move_uploaded_file
- The function rewind can .? move the file pointer to the end of the file.|move the file pointer to the specific location of the file.|move the file pointer to the beginning of the file.|move the file pointer to the location of the next character.
- PHP的配置文件中,除了php.ini文件还有哪两个文件?
- PHP中以下修改配置的说法错误的是() A: 使用set_magic_quotes_runtime()函数可以修改页面过期时间 B: PHP的配置文件选项存放在php.ini文件中 C: Linux下修改了php.ini文件需要重启apache服务 D: 默认网页过期时间是30秒