• 2021-04-14
    Giovanni Parmigiani believes that the establishment ofthe SBoRE may
  • set an example for other journals.


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      In the museum,there is a _____ ofthe ship Mayflower.

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      The interviewer believes that _______. A: advertising can’t be a kind of lying B: advertising must be a kind of lying C: advertising is most likely to be a kind of lying D: advertising may be a kind of lying

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      In academic debate, a debater may have strong personal convictions for the side he/she is defending, he/she should speak out what he/she believes, but not to support the assigned position.

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      【单选题】The following table provides details ofthe postage rates for different weights of packages. In my capacity as Secretary ofthe Black Knight Chess Club I am about to send minutes ofthe last meeting to each ofthe eight other members ofthe Committee. The weight of each envelope, including its contents, is 70 g. Three ofthe members are new to the committee and I intend to include with their minutes a copy of our constitution, which weighs 40 g. What will be the cost of sending these items second clas A. $1.40 B. $1.82 C. $2.53 D. $2.89 E. $3.31

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      第十三届全国人民代表大会 A: the 13th National People’s Session ofthe People’s Republic of China B: the 13th National People’s Congress ofthe People’s Republic of China C: the 13th National People’s Congress ofthe People’s Republic