• 2021-04-14
    Which of the following is a "noble grape" of Alsace? _____________
  • Riesling


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      According to Buddhism, release from suffering is possible and can be attained by following (). A: Nirvana B: The four noble truths C: The noble eightfold path D: The three marks of reality

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      Which of the following about Paris is correct in Romeo & Juliet? A: Paris is a noble man in love with Juliet. B: Paris is a villain in love with Juliet. C: Paris is the son of Lord Capulet. D: Paris is the cousin of Juliet.

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      葡萄梗英文( )。 A: grape stems B: grape pomace C: grape stalks D: grape marc

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      What is the most cultivated table grape variety in the world? A: Shine-Muscat Grape B: Kyoho grape C: Summer Black Grape D: Red Globe grape

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      Which of the following is a national capital?Which of the following is a national capital?