• 2022-06-16
    已知a是类Student的一个实例,read( )是Student类的一个静态成员。如果要访问Student的read( )成员,则下列______表达式是正确的。
    A: a.read()
    B: a::read()
    C: Student.read()
    D: Student::read()
  • C


    • 0

      The story _____ I read in the magazine was about a vocational school student of our age. A: which B: who C: whose D: where

    • 1

      设student是一个类名,则下列语句中,不可能正确的是 A: student a; B: student b; C: student c{3}; D: student d("LiSi");

    • 2

      声明并创建一个学生类Student的对象s,下列语法格式正确的是: A: Student s = Student(); B: Student s; C: Student s = new Student(); D: Student s = new ();

    • 3

      【单选题】定义一个学生类Student,则初始化一个学生对象的语句是( A. Student s ; B. Student s = new Student(); C. Student s = new student(); D. Student s = s.student();

    • 4

      In each student's video A: you should not wear earphones or headphones B: you should not read any part of your assessment or use notes or hidden papers C: you should not copy another student's assessment D: all of the above answers