• 2022-06-16
    周末 weekend
  • 正确


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      I shall never forget this weekend. 中的weekend的中文意思是? A: 周一 B: 周二 C: 周末 D: 周四

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      Do you have any double rooms ____________ this weekend? 这个周末你们还有双人客房吗? A: admire B: accomplish C: available

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      We're supposed to be spending a __________ weekend toghter. What's the matter with you? 我们出来就是为了过个浪漫的周末。你到底怎么了?

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      Haven't you seen the poster of a weekend cycling?翻译为“你看到周末骑自行车活动的海报了吗?”是对还是错?

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      How was your weekend? A: 你假期过得怎么样? B: 你周末过得怎么样? C: 你上周过得怎么样? D: 你上个学期过得怎么样?