已知代码如下:[br][/br]face = misc.face()[br][/br]blurred_face1 = ndimage.gaussian_filter(face, sigma=1)[br][/br]blurred_face3 = ndimage.gaussian_filter(face, sigma=3)[br][/br]sharp_face = blurred_face3 +6*(blurred_face3-blurred_face1)[br][/br]blurred_face1和blurred_face3都是对face的平滑处理,通过相减,让相似的值变小,再通过乘以6,增加两极差距,实现边缘锐化。
- Volunteers<br/>say the supply of face masks and gloves is running low so they are<br/>hoping for ______ <br/>to help doctors and have already found volunteers who want to sew<br/>masks for the hospital staffs and 3d print hard face masks.
- The spleen manifects on()? A: the<br/>skin B: the<br/>tendon C: the<br/>hair D: the<br/>face E: the<br/>lips
- 【单选题】Face changing is a unique skill of Sichuan Opera. Which of the following is not a technique of face changing? A. Face wiping B. Face blowing C. Face pulling D. Face punching
- 人脸识别是基于人的脸部特征信息进行身份识别的一种生物识别技术,属于人工智能的一个重要分支,是当今的热门应用领域和研发方向。[br][/br]人脸识别的关键技术有哪些 A: 人脸检测(Face Detection) B: 人脸配准(Face Alignment) C: 人脸属性识别(Face Attribute) D: 人脸提特征(Face Feature Extraction) E: 人脸比对(Face Compare)
- What does face to face mean?