- How does the professor remind students of the cruelness of animal experimentation A: He gives a detailed description of the cruelness of animal experimentation. B: He encourages students to imagine the pain that the animals suffer from in animal experimentation, C: He compares it with the hypothermia experiments done on Jews. D: He reminds the class of the fact that scientists define begging calls,
- Animal studies have ____________ implications. A: ethical B: legal C: social D: all the above
- The author, a physician engaged in doing animal research, expresses his growing frustration with the animal rights movement and justifies animal research with many reasons including how medical advances benefited from the experiments on animals.
- 下列各种java类的定义,那种是错误的 A: class Animal{}class Dog extends Animal {} B: final class Animal{}class Dog extends Animal{} C: abstract class Animal{}class Dog extends Animal{} D: public class Animal{}class Dog extends Animal{}
- Which animal is not the animal in Chinese Zodiac?
- 0
若Animal是Cat,Dog的父类,则下列选项中,正确的是() A: Animal animal = new Cat(); B: Cat cat = (Cat)new Animal(); C: Animal animal = new Dog(); D: Cat cat = (Cat)new Dog();
- 1
若Animal是Cat,Dog的父类,则下列选项中,正确的是() A: Animal animal = new Cat(); B: Animal a = new Cat(); Cat cat = (Cat) a; C: Animal animal = new Dog(); D: Cat cat = (Cat)new Dog();
- 2
The muscles of a fossilized animal can sometimes be reconstructed because______. A: they were preserved with the rest of the animal B: they were lodged inside the animal's skull C: they were hardened parts of the animal's body D: they were attached to the animal's skeleton
- 3
class Animal { public Animal() { System.out.println("Animal!"); } } public class Dog extends Animal{ public Dog() { System.out.println("Dog!"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Dog dog=new Dog(); } }
- 4
(7-1)定义了Animal类、Cat类和Dog类,则代码段是正确的。 class Animal{ }; class Cat extends Animal{} class Dog extends Animal{}