• 2022-06-16
    The fire brigade arrived two hours later after the alarm was sounded,______it was too late to save much of the building.
    A: then
    B: when
    C: which
    D: though
  • B


    • 0

      After graduation Tim met his math teacher in the street two months ____. A: late B: lately C: later

    • 1

      It was not until late in the evening _____ her husband arrived home . A: which B: when C: that D: how

    • 2

      Remember ______ I told you? If you are late agin, I will fire you. A: that B: which C: when D: what

    • 3

      It’s the third time _____ late this month. A: that you arrived B: when you arrived C: that you’ve arrived D: when you’ve arrived

    • 4

      词汇与结构The pilots flew the aircraft for more than two hours in order to _____ fuel and lower the risk of fire upon landing. A: dump B: burn C: save D: transfer