• 2022-06-16
    Good morning. Can I ____ you?
  • help


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      — Good morning. Can I help you?— I'd like to have this package ______. A: be weighed B: to be weighed C: weighed

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      A: Good morning, Front Desk. May I help you? B: Good morning. _______________________ A: I will go. B: Could I keep the room until 4:30 pm C: Nice to meet you. D: How do you do

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      —— Good morning. I’ve got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department.—— Ah, good morning. You ____ be Mrs. Brown. A: might B: must C: would D: can

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      Good morning, ______________ , how can I help you? A: Tony speaking B: my name is Tony C: I am Tony

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      As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning. I said good morning _________ he had got into the car.