Which structure can help bacterium to settle down in host ( )
A: metachromatic granules
B: spore
C: lipopolysaccharide
D: pilus
A: metachromatic granules
B: spore
C: lipopolysaccharide
D: pilus
- Which form is transformation ( ) A: genetic substance was transmitted from donor bacterium to receptor bacterium by F pilus B: genetic substance was transmitted from donor bacterium to receptor bacterium by vector phage C: Free DNA segment from donor bacterium directly was ingested into receptor bacterium D: prophage was integrated into bacterial chromosome
- 鞭毛()。 A: B: CApsulE C: D: flAgEllum E: F: pilus G: H: sporE I: J: tEiChoiCACiD
- Economists are interested in all the factors that can help to__________ the extent to which a price change will affect supply and demand in the market. A: resort B: lift C: predict D: settle
- Which can be used to settle middleman trade? ( )
- 必须用电镜才能观察的细菌结构是 A: capsule B: flagellum C: pilus D: spore E: metachromatic-granule
- 0
Which of the following components can be recognized by phages as receptors for Escherichia coli? (). A: Lipopolysaccharide B: Peptidoglycan C: Flagellum D: Pili
- 1
OnedayI'llwantto________andhaveafamily.? settle down|settle|settle into|settle upon
- 2
Always be sure to settle down and relax an hour before you go to bed because it will help you ____________more easily.
- 3
One day I'll want to ________ and have a family. A: settle into B: settle down C: settle D: settle upon
- 4
It’s time for you to find a loving woman and __________. A: settle down B: settle up C: settle for D: settle out