• 2022-06-16
    “我感觉不舒服”的英文表达是( )。
    A: I am not felling well.
    B: I am feeling not good
    C: I am feeling comfortable
    D: I feel very cold
  • A


    • 0

      How do you say "我不舒服,生病了" in English? A: I am sick. B: I feel sick C: Not so good. D: Not very well

    • 1

      I am good at telling people what I think and I can explain things well. Iam very clear when I speak. I am a good communicator. A good communicator . A: a. is difficult to understand B: b. is very easy to understand

    • 2

      –Do you want to eat something? --______,thanks. I am feeling sick now. I don’t feel like ______.

    • 3

      【单选题】翻译 我很好,谢谢,你呢? A. Very good. and you? B. I am ver well. how are you? C. Very well, thank you .And you? D. I am good. And you

    • 4

      “我觉得冷”有哪些表达方式? A: I'm cold. B: I am shivery. C: I feel chilly. D: I don't feel well.