• 2022-06-16
    A: Lineation
    B: Streaming
    C: Deformation
    D: Intersection
  • A


    • 0

      “面理”正确的英文表达为 A: Foliation B: Surface C: Plane D: Cleavage

    • 1

      “十字路口”的英文是: A: street B: intersection C: modern

    • 2

      In a spreadsheet, a cell is defined as the A: intersection of a table and a row B: intersection of a table and a column C: intersection of a row and column D: intersection of a column and a record

    • 3

      discount英文表达正确的为( ) A: 折损 B: 数数 C: 聆听 D: 折扣

    • 4

      用英文问路的相关词汇有 A: turn B: next C: corner D: intersection E: building F: sign