• 2022-06-16
    Mari: Cool! How long have you been ______ _____________ here? Alex: You mean in the______ _____________ program? Mari: Yeah. Alex: This is my______ _____________ semester. Mari: Oh, so you know the ______ _____________ pretty well! Alex: Oh, yeah. Mari: Could you ______ _____________ me how to______ _____________ to the______ _____________ ? I want to go work ______ _____________ after the ______ _____________ . Alex: The ______ _____________ ? Yeah, it’s next to the______ _____________ Center, _____________ ______ from the grad dorms. Mari: Sorry… the______ _____________ ? Alex: The grad dorms. Um, the______ _____________ for graduate students. Here, I can show you on the campus map… Mari: That’s OK, I______ _____________ . Alex: I’m actually planning to go there______ , _____________ . Want to go______ _____________? Mari: Sounds ______ _____________ !