• 2022-06-16
    What are the three biggest religions in the world
    A: Christianity
    B: Islam
    C: Buddhism
    D: Hinduism
  • A,B,C


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      Which of the folling religions is indigenous to China? A: Taoism B: Buddhism C: Christianity D: Islam

    • 1

      The introduction of () had a great impact on the English vocabulary. A: Hinduism B: Christianity C: Buddhism D: Islam

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      Of the four religions prevailing in China: Buddhism, Taoism, which one is the native-born? A: Buddhism B: Taoism C: Islam D: Christianity

    • 3

      China is a multi-religion country, which has religions of foreign origin such as_________. A: Buddhism B: Islam C: Catholicism D: Christianity

    • 4

      What is the largest religion in Russia? A: Orthodox Christianity B: Islam C: Judaism D: Hinduism