• 2022-06-16
    My grandpa died ______ .
    A: A . at the age of 2
    B: B . for 2 years
    C: C . when I was 2
    D: D . my age was 6
  • C


    • 0

      My grandpa died in 2002. My grandpa _______ _______ _______ ________ 13 years.

    • 1

      My grandpa died _________

    • 2

      Pedestrian injury is most likely to occur: (SELECT 1 AGE) A: 6 months B: 1 year C: 2 years D: 6 years

    • 3

      When you ______ my age, you'll totally understand what I mean. A: attain B: achieve C: acquire D: obtain

    • 4

      --Is your mother of the same age as your father--No, my father is S years ______ my mother. A: as old as B: senior to C: much older D: seniors