• 2022-06-16
    Now researchers are directing more attention to the social and
    cultural ________that propelled university graduates into careers in
    A: implication
    B: imminence
    C: atmosphere
    D: impulse
  • D


    • 0

      Researchers conducted an investigation into how many of last year’s university graduates found _______. ( ) A: jobs B: opportunities C: works D: companies

    • 1

      There are too many ________ of management in this company, which<br/>will decrease efficiency and lead to confused management. A: layers B: liars C: lays D: lies

    • 2

      The Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government<br/>regulation of the ( ) conditions. A: economy/political B: social/political C: economy/social D: political/cultural

    • 3

      Why is it more difficult for men to take care of their sick spouses<br/>according to Karraker? () A: They<br/>are more accustomed to receiving care. B: They<br/>find it more important to make money for the family. C: They<br/>think it more urgent to fulfill their social obligations. D: They<br/>expect society to do more of the job.

    • 4

      The authority<br/>granted by the shared norms and cultural mores regarding the social<br/>roles of teachers and students is called ( ). A: Formal authority B: Professional<br/>authority C: Charismatic<br/>authority D: Bureaucratic<br/>authority