• 2022-06-16
    Who would be the intermediary of a young couple in India
    A: The girl’s mother.
    B: The boy’s mother.
    C: A married lady.
    D: The girl’s aunt.
  • C


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      这小女孩抓着妈妈的裙子。 A: The little girl catch to her mother’s skirt. B: The little girl caught on to her mother’s skirt.

    • 1

      Who’s ______ in the picture? She is my sister. A: girl B: boy C: the girl D: the boy

    • 2

      【单选题】下面判断正确的是()。 A、char *s="girl"; 等价于 char *s; *s="girl"; B、char s[10]={"girl"}; 等价于 char s[10]; s[10]={"girl"}; C、char *s="girl"; 等价于 char *s; s="girl"; D、char s[4]= "boy", t[4]= "boy"; 等价于 char s[4]=t[4]= "boy" A. char *s="girl"; 等价于 char *s; *s="girl"; B. char s[10]={"girl"}; 等价于 char s[10]; s[10]={"girl"}; C. char *s="girl"; 等价于 char *s; s="girl"; D. char s[4]= "boy", t[4]= "boy"; 等价于 char s[4]=t[4]= "boy"

    • 3

      The little girl ______ her mother's hand in the crowd.

    • 4

      Which of the following can be used to answer “Who called this morning”? ( ) A: My mother friend. B: My mother’s friend’s. C: A friend of my mother’s. D: A friend of my mother.