• 2022-06-18
    Which of the following statement is correct regarding ship handling when in the vicinity of traffic separation schemes ? (1)A vessel shall , so far as practicable , avoid crossing traffic lanes (2)If obliged to cross traffic lanes , she shall do so as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow .
  • C.Both(1) and (2)


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      Which descriptions of Netflow is correct?() A: By default,Netflow records bidirectional IP traffic flow. B: Netflow answers questions regarding IP traffic:who,what,where,when,and how C: Netflow accounts for both transit traffic and traffic destined for the router. D: Netflow returns the subinterface information in the flow records.

    • 1

      Gridlock is a form of traffic congestion with minimal flow which simply a traffic jam.

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      Which factor does the air cargo rates not affect A: Volume of traffic B: Airport scale C: Direction of traffic D: Characteristics of the traffic

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      A policeman was assigned to the school crossing because traffic there was so heavy. A: a B: an C: the D: one

    • 4

      Which two statements are true about traffic shaping and traffic policing?() A: both traffic shaping and traffic policing cause retransmissions of connection-oriented protocols such as TCP B: both traffic shaping and traffic policing support the marking and re-marking of traffic C: the effects of traffic shaping and traffic policing when configured on a router are applied to outgoing traffic D: traffic shaping queues excess traffic whereas traffic policing discards excess traffic E: traffic shaping allows the traffic to exceed the bit rate whereas traffic policing prevents the traffic from exceeding the bit rate