• 2022-06-18
    A policeman was assigned to the school crossing because traffic there was so heavy.
    A: a
    B: an
    C: the
    D: one
  • C


    • 0

      Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break _______ she got to her office.

    • 1

      There was a heavy traffic jam this morning. That's ___ he was late for the meeting. A: why B: what C: because D: when

    • 2

      I’m sorry I’m late again________ the heavy rain. A: as B: so C: because D: because of

    • 3

      Mike rides a bike to school because of traffic jams ____ Mondays. A: in B: on C: nursing D: nurser

    • 4

      How about the traffic in the underwater traffic tunnel A: Heavy. B: Light. C: Fast. D: Dangerous.