Match the photos with these captions.
- Match the musicians to the photos of their fans. Match the musicians to the photos of their fans.
- Major types of media bias include: bias by omission, bias by placement, bias by headline, bias by photos and captions, and bias by ______.
- unit4 Job and Employment2 预习1(副本) Listen and match the photos with the corresponding interview types.
- 1.All the _____ have three _____each. A.hero; photo B.heros; photos C.heros; photoes D.heroes; photos A: hero; photo B.heros; photosC.heros; photoes D.heroes; photos B: heros; photos C: heros; photoes D.heroes; photos D: heroes; photos
- 签名恢复 简单删除的图片() A: c:\photos\d92335.jpg B: c:\photos\d92345.jpg C: d:\photos\d92335.jpg D: d:\photos\d92345.jpg