preface in Preface to Feast on Spring Night in Peach & Plum Garden refers to the gift preface. (
preface in Preface to Feast on Spring Night in Peach & Plum Garden refers to the gift preface. (
- The<br/>“preface” in Preface to Feast on Spring Night in Peach &<br/>Plum Garden refers to ( ) A: Book<br/>Preface B: Gift<br/>Preface C: Feast<br/>Preface D: Small<br/>Preface
- Great Preface is the preface to the whole text, a guide to the understanding of all the collected poems in the Book of Songs. ( )
- 在利用CSS表现XML时,需要将XML文档中的preface元素的内容以独立段落的方式显示,下面正确的选项是()。 A: preface{display:list-item} B: preface{display:block} C: preface{display:inline} D: preface{display:none}
- In<br/>what year that wordsworth published his Preface to Lyrical Ballads. <br/>() A: 1798 B: 1800 C: 1802
- The preface is included in Preamble of a contract.