• 2022-06-18
    Scan the passage to find the events below and write down the corresponding paragraph letter(from A to M) before each information. 1. _______ In 2003, Zuckerberg and his classmates invented Facemash, a predecessor of Facebook. 2. _______ “Thefacebook” was launched on February 4, 2004. 3. _______ In March 2004, Facebook began to enlarge its scope to other Ivy League and even Boston-area schools. 4. _______ In 2005, the company “The facebook” changed its name into “Facebook”and bought the domain name facebook. Com for a large amount of money. 5. _______ In 2010, Facebook users were invited to become beta testers after passing a process. 6. _______ The App Center of Facebook was opened to all its users around the world in 2012. 7. _______ On April 24, 2014, FB Newswire was set up for users to publish news.