• 2022-06-18
    For late pregnancy patients with emergency abdominal pain and bleeding during ultrasound examination, it should be noted that
    A: placental preposition
    B: amniotic fluid bleeding
    C: placental abruption
    D: trauma
  • C


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      Conditions that are generally recognised<br/>to increase the risks of PPH include:( ) A: Overdistended uterus B: Placental abruption C: Prolonged labour D: Placenta previa

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      Which of the following best describes the placental components of dizygotic twins?? ;One placenta,two amniotic sacs,two chorions|Two placentas,two amniotic sacs,one chorion|One placenta,two amniotic sacs,one chorion|Two placentas,two amniotic sacs,two chorions

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      The main symptoms of gingivitis patients are ( ) A: Tooth displacement B: Oral odor C: Food impaction D: Bleeding gums

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      What is the next best step in management?() A: Recommend cesarean section<br/>for placental abruption remote from delivery B: Continue expectant<br/>management, bleeding is likely from the cervix C: Send a CBC, type and screen,<br/>Kleihauer–Betke test, and place a second IV D: Consent the patient for<br/>transfusion of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) E: Place fetal scalp electrode<br/>(FSE) and intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC) to better monitor<br/>fetus and contractions

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      j) Bleeding may also occur spontaneously in patients who have received ______ or thrombolytic drugs, or who have coagulation disorders such as hemophilia.