• 2022-06-18
    A: Fibroblasts
    B: Macrophages
    C: plasma cells
    D: mast cells
    E: mesenchymal cells
  • B


    • 0

      The main source of calcitonin in plasma is A: thyroid C cells B: islet D cells C: placenta D: parathyroid cells

    • 1

      Indicate which of the following cells is the most active in phagocytosis: () A: Neutrophils B: Basophils C: Eosinophils D: Mast cells E: Erythrocytes

    • 2

      Pus formation largely results from the accumulation of the remains of dead and dying <br/>________. A: neutrophils B: macrophages C: epithelial cells D: sentinel dendritic cells E: red blood cells and platelets

    • 3

      In the following cells, which cell is derived from monocytes A: fibroblast B: macrophage C: mast cell D: plasma cell E: fat cell

    • 4

      转基因小鼠技术采用的细胞是( )。 A: ES cells B: EG cells C: B cells D: T cells