• 2021-04-14
    194. What occurs when rising air cools to the dew point? ______ .
  • Clouds form.


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      What information should we offer when we reserve an air ticket?

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      For example, when a natural disaster occurs, they send emails or ______ on their websites, to let people know what they can do to help, or just to ______.

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      Do you know what smog is? Smog is dirty air that looks like (1) _____ and smoke. It is a type of air pollution.In big cities, smoke from cars and (2)_____goes up into the sky and meets the moisture in the air. When the air cools down at dawn, a huge amount of the dirty (3) ___ in the sky comes near the ground. It forms smog. It is a (4) ___ for people all over the country. It is bad for our health and as a result, more and more people have (5) ___ diseases. People need to wear masks to protect themselves in smoggy days.

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      When lava cools, it becomes A: liquid. B: water. C: smoke. D: hard.

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      It wasn’t such a desirable air conditioner ______ the advertisement had promised us. A: as B: when C: what D: which