• 2022-06-18
    She used to be a television producer, but now she is a writer.
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      ( )is used to facilitate the writer’s numbering and filing of the letters he or she receives.

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      She in the big city,but now she in the small town with her children. A: used to live;is used to living B: used to living;is used to living C: used to live;is used to live D: used to living;is used to live

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      Lao She is know for a great writer.()

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      What can we learn about the woman () A: She is now in Shanghai. B: She is now in Japan. C: She wishes she were in Shanghai now. D: She wishes she were in Japan now.

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      Part 3 Reading Comprehension (40 points)Task 28 Why did Sara use to buy more chocolate and sweets? A: There weren’t any healthy options at the supermarket. B: She used to love sweet things, but now she doesn’t. C: She was hungry after walking to the store. D: She used to be tempted when she was standing in the queue.