• 2022-06-18
    The _________ he got in the war _______ his early death.
    A: wounds;contributes to
    B: wounds; leads to
    C: injuries; led to
    D: injuries; contributes to
  • C


    • 0

      (3)、 [单选题] (5分)What does the girl mean by "It's a shame that he died." ? A: She loses her face for his death. B: His death was shameful. C: It's shameful for not finishing the trip. D: She feels sorry about his death.

    • 1

      Mr. Dolittle always ________ his good health ________ careful living.( ). A: dedicates…to B: devotes…to C: contributes…to D: attributes…to

    • 2

      ​Mr. Dolittle always ________ his good health ________ careful living.‌​‌ A: contributes…to B: dedicates…to C: attributes…to D: devotes...to

    • 3

      Any individual whose brain has suffered such injuries can simply wander aimlessly away from the place where he lives, with all knowledge of his past blacked out.

    • 4

      Tourism contributes