• 2022-06-18
    Usually in the part of Heading we should mention __________________.
    A: To
    B: From
    C: Date
    D: Subject
  • A,B,C,D


    • 0

      While setting up an appointment on email, you should _______. A: Leave it open ended B: Never mention date and time C: Sometimes mention a date and leave it at that D: Recommend a date and time and request confirmation

    • 1

      The format of a memo includes: A: FROM B: TO C: DATE D: SUBJECT

    • 2

      Which of the following is not an essential part of a business letter? ( ) A: Subject B: Signature C: Date D: Salutation

    • 3

      Omit TO, FROM, DATE and SUBJECT in the simplified memo format.

    • 4

      What parts does a typical memo usually contain? A: Date B: Body C: Subject D: complimentary close