The pilot and several passengers _______ by the gunmen for 57 hours.
- A passenger vesse1 is underway. When may passengers visit the pilot house? ___ A: Passengers are excluded from the pi1othouse while underway. B: Passengers are permitted in the pi1othouse during daylight hours only. C: Passengers are permitted to visit the pi1othouse when authorized by the master and officer of the watch. D: Passengers are permitted in the pi1othouse when they are escorted by a ship's officer.
- For how many hours is the art exhibition open() A: Eight hours. B: Seven hours. C: Nine hours. D: Ten hours.
- How many hours does his father work on Saturdays A: Five hours. B: Six hours. C: Seven hours. D: Two hours.
- 7. How many hours a day of sleep does the doctor recommend? A: Six or seven hours B: Nine or ten hours. C: Four or five hours.
- Several passengers claimed to have______ the accident.